The Other Man

January 17, 2011

The Other Man
Posted January 17, 2011 at 12:00 am
Good for you, Bodie. No one wants to be the "other" anything.

I realize that there are some readers who may not get the joke in the last panel. I also realize that I'm old as fuck. But the "dynotherms" that Bodie references connect during the transformation sequence of Voltron which was originally known as Go Lion in Japan but translated as Voltron for us American kids back in the 80's. How you get Voltron from Go Lion is beyond me, but here's a clip from the show demonstrating the awesome power of dynothermic action.


Yellow Peril Blog
Posted December 24, 2020 at 01:15 pm

This video is sort of a subtweet about some art twitter discourse. But I wanted to respond in video form rather than in written form so that you wouldn't misinterpret my words. Also not linking the discourse directly because I don't want to dogpile on the inspiration for my thoughts. But here are three ideas that I wanted to share with artists for us to keep in our brains as we go into the new year.

Posted December 24, 2020 at 01:15 pm

This video is sort of a subtweet about some art twitter discourse. But I wanted to respond in video form rather than in written form so that you wouldn't misinterpret my words. Also not linking the discourse directly because I don't want to dogpile on the inspiration for my thoughts. But here are three ideas that I wanted to share with artists for us to keep in our brains as we go into the new year.