Bodie, Three Times The Casual

September 13, 2010

Bodie, Three Times The Casual
Posted September 13, 2010 at 12:00 am
Bodie is sporting the latest is Gundam otaku fashion, a button up shirt styled after Char Aznable's uniform from Mobile Suit Gundam. And if I could find such a shirt, I would wear it every damn casual Friday ever!

Hello SPX-ers!

So if you found your way over here after meeting me at SPX, welcome! You've picked an excellent time to jump on as we're starting a brand new story arc. So to kind of catch you up Cliff's Notes style (and to remind our regular readers of where we are), it is Friday in Yellow Peril time. Bodie is the black/Indian (as in Asia India) dude, Kane is the Asian (as in Japanese/Chinese. Actually, I don't think I revealed that about Kane until just now) dude. They both work at Pedanticorp as interactive designers. They've just completed work on a horribly shitty project that kept them, along with Ally (the new project manager), late at work the night before so this Friday is more welcome than most. Kane has a secret (not secret at all) crush on Ally who also already has a boyfriend (of course).

Bodie is especially excited since Friday is also the night of his first date with Julie, a childhood friend of Kane's and owner of Chez Wong, a French Asian Fusion restaurant.

And that's the quick and dirty. Feel free to check out the archive. The comic started in February of this year so it shouldn't take you terribly long to catch up. Thank you for stopping by my table and saying hey and for making my very first SPX as an exhibiter so much fun!

Oh, and if you saw my prints, the dragon/phoenix/love one is based on this comic and the crazy Ukiyo-e style office worker print is based on this one.

Yellow Peril Blog
Posted December 24, 2020 at 01:15 pm

This video is sort of a subtweet about some art twitter discourse. But I wanted to respond in video form rather than in written form so that you wouldn't misinterpret my words. Also not linking the discourse directly because I don't want to dogpile on the inspiration for my thoughts. But here are three ideas that I wanted to share with artists for us to keep in our brains as we go into the new year.

Posted December 24, 2020 at 01:15 pm

This video is sort of a subtweet about some art twitter discourse. But I wanted to respond in video form rather than in written form so that you wouldn't misinterpret my words. Also not linking the discourse directly because I don't want to dogpile on the inspiration for my thoughts. But here are three ideas that I wanted to share with artists for us to keep in our brains as we go into the new year.