Fight The Power

July 28, 2010

Fight The Power
Posted July 28, 2010 at 12:00 am
First off, thank you all for bearing with me during the power outage. I wanted to put up Monday's comic along with today's to make up for the missed day. And I kind of write this thing in three strip arcs. Kinda.

So yeah, the hockey puck mouse. I was actually okay with the shape of the thing when I used one. It was the stupid roller ball that made the thing absolutely useless. The material the roller ball was made of was somehow perfectly formulated to pick up every bit of dirt on my desk. I had to clean that thing out at least once a week to get it to work smoothly. Thank god most mouses are optical these days.

Yellow Peril Blog
Posted December 24, 2020 at 01:15 pm

This video is sort of a subtweet about some art twitter discourse. But I wanted to respond in video form rather than in written form so that you wouldn't misinterpret my words. Also not linking the discourse directly because I don't want to dogpile on the inspiration for my thoughts. But here are three ideas that I wanted to share with artists for us to keep in our brains as we go into the new year.

Posted December 24, 2020 at 01:15 pm

This video is sort of a subtweet about some art twitter discourse. But I wanted to respond in video form rather than in written form so that you wouldn't misinterpret my words. Also not linking the discourse directly because I don't want to dogpile on the inspiration for my thoughts. But here are three ideas that I wanted to share with artists for us to keep in our brains as we go into the new year.