Loop De Loophole

September 14, 2012

Loop De Loophole
Posted September 14, 2012 at 12:00 am
Old school DC Go-Go heads will remember Bodie's shout out from DJ Kool's 20 Minute Workout. That shit was my jam in high school!

Tomorrow, I'll be bringing some old school flava to the Small Press Sexpo! Not really. I think I'd piss off my neighbors if I played nothing but Go-Go all day. But I might just dance around like an idiot anyway. If you're coming to the show, I'll be at table F14. And later that evening, we'll be having a good ol' Super Art Fight after the Ignatz awards which should be full of lots of arting and silly dancing. There will be dancing this weekend, I swear it!

Yellow Peril Blog
Posted December 24, 2020 at 01:15 pm

This video is sort of a subtweet about some art twitter discourse. But I wanted to respond in video form rather than in written form so that you wouldn't misinterpret my words. Also not linking the discourse directly because I don't want to dogpile on the inspiration for my thoughts. But here are three ideas that I wanted to share with artists for us to keep in our brains as we go into the new year.

Posted December 24, 2020 at 01:15 pm

This video is sort of a subtweet about some art twitter discourse. But I wanted to respond in video form rather than in written form so that you wouldn't misinterpret my words. Also not linking the discourse directly because I don't want to dogpile on the inspiration for my thoughts. But here are three ideas that I wanted to share with artists for us to keep in our brains as we go into the new year.