Posted November 4, 2013 at 09:59 am
Reader Amanda Steven's mother recently passed away so she raising money for the American Heart Association as a birthday gift. From Amanda:
Hey everyone,
As some of you may or may not know this summer my Mother passed of Heart Disease. I’ve been doing a lot of small scale things for the American Heart Association ever since. Right now, I want to test something. According to Facebook I have 1300+ friends, Twitter tells me I have ~400 followers, and 100 on Tumblr. I am asking if you all of you could send me $1-2 to my Paypal. I would like to donate it as a large and very late Birthday gift. Anyone who donates will be entered in a nerdy raffle filled with Pathfinder core books, D&D books, manga, and other geek stuff. My Paypal is Send as a gift otherwise it gets put on hold. Please help me do this for my mom. Thanks.

- Amanda