Posted December 19, 2013 at 11:15 am
[caption id="attachment_5425" align="aligncenter" width="498"]Chou Henshin! Chou Henshin![/caption]

Kamen Rider Kuuga is one of my favorite Riders so I thought I'd make a little thing paying tribute to all of his forms.  I loved that each form had a unique fighting style.  Form changes are sort of par for the course in the Heisei era, but other than a color and armor change, it can be tough to figure exactly why the Rider made the transformation.  With Kuuga, there was no question.

If you're as big a Kuuga fan as I am, you can pick up a print or poster over at my Red Bubble or Society 6 stores.  One of these days, I'm gonna track down that DX Arcle belt!  It's so badass!