Posted December 14, 2010 at 09:26 am
I always suspected Blanka had some hidden talents. Baking pound cake was the last thing I'd have guessed but it all makes sense. After all, a person who can generate his own current must put that to good use and baking pound cake, well, that's a pretty damn good use.

Unfortunately, now every time I execute Ryu's spinning kick of dizzyness, I'll always hear, "I'd like some POOOUND CAKE!"

Here's a pro tip, never stand next to Dudley when he's ordering chicken nuggets with a Coke to drink or something with some waffle fries.

Finally, here's Ryu as a salary man.

Yes, these are shitting old made a year and a half ago, but this is the first time I've seen them. And they're awesome.

Source: HALOLZ