Posted September 9, 2010 at 10:00 am
This Saturday and Sunday I'll be at Small Press Expo 2010! You can find me at F10:
Yellow Peril at SPX 2010

I'll be selling Pandoom minis and a whole mess of Daruma pins along with these two 11"x6" prints:

Dragon Phoenix Love Kane, Ukiyo-e Style

Which were inspired by these two comics: Enter the Love Dragon and Tackle.

If I have any left over, I'm going to try to figure out this online store stuff and maybe sell them through the site.

Now you may have heard of another convention going on at the same time. Turns out I will be making an appearance there as well. Saturday night from 6pm-8pm, Super Art Fight will do our live art battle in the Large Panels room and at 10pm, I will be drawing horribly naughty things as part of Super Art Fight Unleashed! It should be absolutely insane!

So, if you're going to SPX this weekend, you know where to find me. And if you're going to Intervention this weekend, you get to see me draw horribly perverted things. Actually, if you stop by the table at SPX and ask, I'll draw you something horribly perverted. And if you're going to both, then you win all weekend long!!!!